Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer outfit!

I hope that everyone is having a good week. Mine has been filled with library, parks, and wild indians. To have the energy that my kids have that is what I'm praying for. Maybe I should be the one taking the nap, but then I wouldn't have time to make cute outfits.

I made this outfit for Yavela in a little over an hour. The sun was bright yesterday, so she couldn't look up at me.

I used a fabric scrap that I picked up a couple of months ago. I was debating on what to use it for so glad that I used it for her outfit, it's not your typical little girl fabric, but super cute.

All you need for this project is fabric, thread, elastic thread, elastic and extra wide double fold bias tape.

First thing I did was measure the length I want for this top from under the armpit to the bottom where I wanted the shirt to end for my two year old that was 11". You don't need to add for hemming on this project. Next I measured around the chest for her it was 21" I added 11" to that for the shirring and the seam allowance (11" x 33"). Next I measured for the straps I wanted this to crisscross in the back my measurement was 11", so I cut two out of my bias tape.

I cut two pieces of bias tape the width of my fabric 33" and pinned that to my fabric. Make sure that up put the shorter side up and sew.

Then I sewed a straight line down the straps to hold them together. Measure 4 1/2" from the middle of your fabric and pin one strap and do the other side 4 1/2" from the middle. Sew the straps on. They should be nine inches apart.

The next step is shirring. After you have put elastic thread in your bobbin and adjust your tension. Measure two inches from the bottom of the bias tape and sew a straight line across your fabric. Using your first row as a guide sew four more.

Your almost done and it's starting to look like a shirt. All you have to do now is pin it right sides together and sew a straight stitch then do a zigzag stitch or serge it. Your done! You can easily make this a dress by measuring to your little girls knees.

She trying to learn how to jump.

Now all of my girls want an outfit! Think that I'll whip up another one today. Tomorrow I will put up the post on how to make the knickers.


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